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Accomplishment A carrying out, a performing, a management, a pull of, a realization.
Achievement Ad caput, arrival, finish.
Achieve, attain, reach, arrive, acquérir, arriver, réaliser.
Achievable, accomplishable, completible, realisable, atteingable, ad head, to come to a head.
Active synergity Activity verb, action verb.
Synergities that mean an activity, an action.
Most of the synergities are action synergities.
Active wordity Gerund phrase.
Active mode Active voice.
A type of mentity in which the subergity performs or causes the behaviour represented by the synergity which can be a single synergity or an synergical wordity.
Active voice, active mode, move the activity and reveals the subentity.
Active voice, active mode, emphsize the doer, the subject, the subergity.
Passive voice, passive mode, emphasize the receiver, the victim, the obergity.
Adentitive wordity Adjective phrase, group of words adding information to an entity. Wordity adding information to an entity.
Adentiy Adjective, word adding information to an entity.
An adentiy describes an entity, talk about its state, its properties.
Adverbal phrase Adergity, group of words adding information to a synergity.
Adergity Adverb, word adding information to an synergity.
Answer Feedback, return, result, response, explanation, justification.
Aspect Appearance to the eye or mind.
Nature, quality, character.
Interpretation, view, phase.
A grammatical category or interrelated set of categories for which the verb is inflected in some languages, typically to indicate duration, repetition, completion or quality of the activity or state denoted by the verb.
A set of linguistic devices with functions similar to those inflexions.
The meaning of or meaning typical of such category or construction.
Form, air, appearance, bearing, countenance, demenor, expression, face, look, manner, mien.
Attibutive adentiy Attributive adjective, attributive adentital groupity.
Placed before an entity.
Automatic Having the capability of starting, operating, moving independently.
Occuring independently of volition, as certain muscular actions.
Done unconsciously or from force of habit.
Occuring spontaneously
Automatic pilot, autopilot, an airborne control system that automatically maintains a preset heading and altitude. Automatic, automated, mechanical, electrical, electronical, mechanized, motorized, robotic, self-moving, self-regulating, self-starting.
Automatics Science of automatic sytems.
Automaton Automaton, a contrievance, construed and constructed to act as by its own motive power, without an external motive force, a robot.
Automaton, an animal or person that acts in a monotonous, routine manner, without active intelligence.
Automaton, agent, clone, drudge, grind, laborer, puppet, robot, zombie, mechanical.
Auxiliary synergity To be, being, been - to have - to do.
An auxiliary synergity that helps another synergity in a mentity.
An auxiliary synergity indicates the tense and the voice, the mode, in a mentity.
Axis Name of an axis.
Axology Set of m axes (complexity k)
Axoversity Arrow along an axis.


Binary property Button
Binity - or +


Centrity Center of a spherity.
Chat To converse, to gossip, to twitter, to chirp.
To exchange ideas, views, opinions.
Cosynergity Auxiliary verb.
Cojection Inner product.
Collection Plunge.
Complexity Integer number.
Compound adentity Combination of 2 or more words joined by an hyphen, usually 2 words, functionning like a single word to modify an subergity or an obergity.
Functionning like an adentity.
Can be any of:
Entity-past synergity.
Entity-present synergity.
Adentiy-present synergity.
Adentity-past synergity.
Adergity-present synergity.
Adertgity-past synergity.
Conceive To form an idea, notion, opinion, purpose.
To imagine, to hold as an opinion, to think, to believe, to experience or form a feeling.
To express as in words or system.
To become pregnant with.
To begin, originate, found in a particular way, usually used in the passive.
To understand, to comprehend. To accept, assume, believe, perceive, realize, appreciate, apprehend, catch, compass, comprehend, deem, dig, envisage, expect, fancy, feel, follow, gather, get, grasp, imagine, judge, reckon, suppose, suspect, take, twig.
To conceive of, envision, portray, visualize, create, daydream, dream, fancy, fantasize, imagine, see, see in the mind's eye.
Conceived, chartered, completed, founded, incorporated, initiated, organized, ratified, set up, settled, begun, codified, endowed, equipped, finished, inaugurated, instituted, originated, produced, realized, systematized.
Logical, normal, rational, reasonable, sensible, usual, balanced, believable, realistic, responsible, sane, cogent, coherent, complelling, consistent, convincing, intelligent, legitimate, lucid, obvious, plausible, relevant, valid, wise, analytical, clear, commonsensual, congruent, consequent, deducible, discerning, discriminating, extensional, fair, germane, holding together, holding water, inferential, judicious, justifiable, legit, perspicuous, pertinent, probable, sound, subtle, telling, well-organized.
To neglect, avoid, be immune, disbelieve, dislike, disregard, fail, let go, lose, miss, misunderstand, not get, release, abort, destroy, not believe.
Incomplete, unfinished, false, insolvent, invalidated, temporary, unsound, untrue.
Ill-conceived, absurd, bizarre, foolish, goofy, insane, irresponsible, ludicrous, odd, autrageous, preposterous, ridiculous, silly, strange, weird, eccentric, loony, wild, balmy, beyond all reason, cockeyed, derisory, fatuous, foolhardy, half-backed, harebrained, idiotic, impraticable, imprudent, inane, inappropriate, nonsensical, out of all reason, peculiar, puerile, quitoxic, senseless, short-sighted, unworkable.
Concept A general idea or notion, a conception.
An intuited, conceived object of thought, construct.
An idea of something formed by mentall combining all its characteristics, particulars, behaviours.
Functioning as a prototype or model of new product or innovation.
Concept, approach, conception, image, notion, perception, theory, thought, view, abstraction, apprehension, brainchild, conceit, conceptualization, consideration, hypothesis, impression, intellection, slant, supposition, twist, wrinkle, big idea, brain wave, fool notion.
Concrete, proof, reality, being.
Construal Conceptualisation, a semantic structure for an experience.
A semantic structure for some aspect of the real world or more accurately for our human apprehension of it.
Meaning or semantic structure refer to a way of representing that experience that is relevant to linguistic formulation of that experience.
Contrual is about the relationship between linguistic form and meaning.
The same experience may be construed in alternative ways describing the same situation.
There are multiple alternative construals of an experience available
A thinker has to choose one construal or another, they are mutually exclusive
No construal is the best or right one out of context.
The scope of the construal (visée) serves the thinker goal in the thinking. The nature of reality may strongly define a default construal as with aggregates whose units are at the limit of perceptual acuity.
A first constraint on the construal is that the nature of reality limits construal or at least favor some construals on others as default construals, more easy than others for some realities.
A second constraint that limits construal is cultural conventions of mentalities, some construals being linguistically conventionnalized giving morphological reflexes of alternative construals. Idities that individual units commonly occur in an aggregate and are at the edge of perceptual acuity such as grass, grain, hair, are grammatically mass and require an unit or piece noun to be construed as countable individuals.
Construe To give a meaning or intention of, to explain, interpret
To deduce by inference or interpretation, to translate especialaly orally. To analyse the syntax of, to rehearse the applicable grammatical rules of.
To arrange or combine syntatically (words, phrase, clause, predicates).
To admit of grammatical analysis or interpretation.
The act of construing.
Something that is construed.
Construe, define, infer, interpret, parse, translate, analyse, decipher, explicate, expound, read, render, take, understand, figure it to be, one's best guess, spell out.
Construed, interpreted or understood, arrived at by inference or interpretation, arranged or combined syntactically.
Misunderstood, cloudy, confused, failed, obscure.
Converse Chat, twitter, talk, gossip, confer, jaw.
To exchange ideas, views, opinions.
Conversity Conversation, chat, discussion.
Curiosity Attention to details, care, concern, inquisiveness, oddity, desire to know or learn.


Depaxologie Dependent axology
Dedity Versor
Descriptive adentity Attributive adentity, with attributive use or activitive adentity, predicative adentity, adentitive wordities, with activative use.
Give info about the entity, about the properties, qualities, features of the entity it modifies, describes.
Does the simple job of an adentity.
Most of the adentities are qualitative.
Attibutive adentities come right before the entity it gives info about, it modifies.
Dimensity Mensity of a versity
Direct entity Transergity, the transiting entity, object, of the activity.
Disoriention Deduction of angle
Disorienty Angle
Disposition Deduction of distance
Disposity Distance
Ditransitive synergity Ditransitive verb, bivalent verb.
Can have an direct object, an obergity, and an indirect object, a transergity.
First obergity, second transergity: subergity synergity obergity transergity.
If reverse, add the preposition "to" or "for" after the transergity (that is to say before the obergity): subergity synergity transergity to obergity.
Durity Duration of time.


Ejection Outer product.
Emaxology Emancipated axology, autonomous axology.
Emotional stativ synergities Love, hate, adore, abhor, like, dislike, appreciate, envy, detest, loath.
When we love we do not do anything. Love is a state not an activity.
The emotions are in a particular state, positive or negative.
Love is a main verb not meaning any activity.
When we love some entity our emotions are in a particular state. We are feeling something inside.
Eternity Immense time without boundary, up and down, negative (past) and positive (futur).
Euclidian Axologic.
Evenity Predicate. Noun, noun wordity, noun phenomena, gerund, infinitive.
Phenomenon, something that happens or is regarded as happening.
An occurrence, espescially one of some importance.
The outcome, issue or result of anything.
Something that occur in a certain place at a particular instant or during a particular interval of time, a particular duration.
Physical events: in the theory of relativity, an occurrence that is sharply localized at a single point in space and instant of time.
Mental phenomena (sensation, perception, emotion, cognition) are very variable across languages: the mental experiencer is often in a dative or other obergity form while the external stimulus may or may not be encoded like a subergity.
Event, accident, act, action, affair, appearance, business, case, circumstance, development, episode, experience, fact, incident, matter, occasion, situation, story, thing.
Idleness, cessation, inactivity, inertia, repose, rest, stoppage, denial, expectation, failure, stagnation.
Exity BLADE ejection of idities.
Exoversity Versity resulting from ejection of monoversities (versologic blade).
Extensive Depending of the extension of an entity.
Externity External laterity: binarity - or +



Gerund synergity Active synergity.
Gerund phrase active wordity.
Globity Exoentity of globologic.
Gradity Number
Gradual property Slider


Helping synergity Helping verb helping the main verb, always directly followed by it.
Helping synergity, helping the main synergity.
A helping synergity does not mean any state.
When linking synergities works as an synergity, they do not mean any state. It is indicating an activity.
Heterorectity Conjunction of exoversities of same complexity.
Homorectity Conjunction of exoversities of different complexities.


Ideologics Science of ideas
Idioty Non valid idea, sound, letter, word or number.
Idity Sound, letter, word, number.
Idity phrase Group of words comprising an idity and some modifiers that modify it, excluding an subergity-synergity combination, working as an idity in the mentity.
Idity subordinate Group of words containing a subordinating conjunction, a subergity-synergity combination and modifiers.
Iditive activitive Nominal predicative is the term for an entity predicative, proentity predicative or another iditive that follows the helping synergity, which is generally a form of the verb "be". The modern term for nominal predicative is subject complement or subergity complement.
Iditive activatives are used with form of systemity "be" and as a result of who or what is doing what, which entity is doing which synergity. Therefore, idictive activatives can be considered to be identical to coidities except that iditive activitives depends on how the mentity quantifies the subergity.
Ididitive adentitive Ididitive activatives should not be confounded with activative adjective which further define adentitives in a sentence.
Immensity Immense entity without boundaries, going to infinity.
Imposition Geometric product.
Impoversity Versor.
Independent Autonomous.
Indirect entity Indirect object, the entity receiving the transergity.
Indunaxology Autonomous and unitary axology
Infinitive verb Infinitive systemity.
Infinitive wordity Infinitive phrase.
Infiposity Point at infinity.
Infirectity Plane to infinity.
Injection Contraction.
Intellect The power or faculty of the mind by which one knows or undertand as distinguihed from what one fells and that by which one wills.
Genius, acumen, intelligence, judgement, savy, mind, psyche, reason, sense, wits,
Intersection Meet, crossing of idities, croisement des idées, opposé à disjoindre, diviser, séparer, détacher
Inoversity Versity resulting from injection
Instity Instant of time
Intensive Difference of potity of two posity
Internity Internal laterity: binarity - or +
Interrogative adentity 3 in English: which, what, whose.
Siting, standing, before an entity and helping to ask a question., giving information about the entity.
They come before the entity and in term of asking a question refering to something.
Which as an interrogative adentity is used to find something, to refer to an entity out of a number of given options.
Intransitive synergity Intransitive verb, an activity verb that cannot act on an object.
An intransitive synergity cannot answer to the questions whom or what.
They are activity verbs, synergities, but intransitive.




Laterity Binarity: - or +, left or right
Latoversity Translation versity.
Limit The final, outmost or furthest boundary or point as to extent, amount, continuance, procedure.
A number such that the value of a given function remains arbitrarily close to this number when the independant variable is sufficiently close to a specified point or is sufficiently large.
A number such that the absolute value of the difference between terms of a given sequence and the number approaches zero as the index of the terms increase to infinity.
One of the two numbers affixed to an integration symbol indicating the interval or region over which the integration is taking place and substanciated in a primitive, if one exist, to evaluate the integral.
Limit, cap, ceiling, check, curb, deadline, maximum, restraint, restriction, absolute, border, bound, bourne, brim, brink, circumscription, conclusion, confinement, confines, destination, edge, end, extremity, fence, finality, goal, limitation, margin, obstruction, rim, termination, tops, ultimate, utmost, verge, bitter end, bottom line, breaking point, cutoff point, end point, farthest point, farthest reach, the max, the most
Fredom, liberation, minimum, beginning, center, commencement, inside, interior, middle, opening, start, infinity, limitless.
Limits, barrier, boderline, bounds, confines, edge, frontier, horizon, line, perimeter, ambit, beginning, borderland, brink, circumference, circumscription, compass, end, environs, extent, extremity, frame, fringe, hem, march, margin, mark, mere, mete, outline, outpost, pale, periphery, precinct, pulieus, radius, rime, side, skirt, terminal, termination, terminus, verge, abuttals, line of demarcation.
Linear Multiplicative, proportional.
Linking synergity Linking verb, copula verb
A linking synergity is linking an entity or an adentity, to the subergity of the synergity that complement it.
Verb linking the subject to another word or wordity that complement it, which can be a name used to rename the subject.
A linking synergity or an adjective modifying the subject of the sentence.
A linking synergity is like a bridge linking one part of the mentiy called the subergity with another part that complement it by changing its name with an entity or modifying its properties with an adentity.
Be,is, am, are, was, were.
May be, might be, should be, would be, can be, could be, must be, will be, shall be
Being, is being, am being, are being, was being, were being.
Been, has been, have been, had been, may have been, must have been, could have been, should have been, will have been, shall have been, might have been.
Some verbs work as linking verbs but also as activity verbs.
A modal synergity is used along with a main synergity to mean ability, permission, possibility, necessity for the subergity to perform the activity of the main synergity.
A linking synergity can be replaced by an equal sign = with the subergity on the left of the equal sign and the subergity complement on the right of the equal sign.
A linking synergity does not do anything else but linking, does not mean any activity.
Logity Logical entity.


Mass noun Groupal entity noun.
Used when individuals are beyond perceptual acuity, construing the entity as a homogeneous mass.
Mensic Symmetric form.
Mental statity Mental synergity: recognize, recall, guess, forget, agree, disagree, need, prefer, satisfy.
When we believe in some entity, our mind is in a particular state of mind.
We do not do any activity, we do not do anything.
Mensity Measure, norm, tensity, intensity, degré, niveau.
Metaphoric Universe in which the mensic relative to an indunaxolgy is the identity matrix.
Modal systemity Modal auxiliary verb.
A type of auxiliary verb, of auxiliary systemity.
Monity Number 1.
Monocomplexity Complexity of 1.
Motoversity Motor.
Multisynergity Group of two verbs, group of two synergities together, pattern of two verbs, two verbs appearing together in an evenity.
Multiideal Multiideal universe.
Multiidities Multivector: conjunction of modulated unidities (unity, unaxities, unexities, unoomnity).
Multity Any number but 0 or 1.


Nullity The number 0.


Obergity Direct object of activity, direct object of an action.
Omniunexity Ejection of all the unities of the universe: u1 ^ ... ^ uN.
Oropositiy Posity at origin, point at origin.
Ority Idea of orologic.
Orogenic Generated from or by the origin hence attached to the origin.
Oroversity Versity attached to the origin.
Orthodaxie Normal axity, independent axity.
Orthorectal Orthongonal, emancipated, independent, separated, sovereign, free, alone, apart
Orthunorectal Orthogonal and unit, orthorectal and unital.
Orthorect Unit emancipated, independent, separated, sovereign, free, alone, apart.
Orthunorect Emancipate and unital.


Participal synergity Verb participle, also known as verbal adjective.
It can work in three ways as:
An activity verb, an active synergity.
A gerund form of the verb, an entity.
An adjective, an adentity.
And can be placed in four positions:
Just before the entity it modifies.
Just after the entity it modifies.
At the begining of a mentity.
At the end of a mentity.
Participal wordity Participal phrase starting with a verb participle, present -ing or past -ed, a present synergity, -ing, a past synergity, -ed.
Working as an adentity or also less frequently as an adergity
When the modifying participle comes after the entity or the synergity it modifies, it is generally a participal phrase, a participal wordity.
The wordity, the phrase, can consist in only the verb participle.
It is a relative adentity that modifies an entity.
A present participle wordity is a synthetic variant of a relative full subergity where the subergity or the relative proentity has been removed. It just means the same thing.
Partentity Partial idea, part, portion, segment, share.
Passive synergity Passion verb, contrary of an action verb, active synergity, meaning a passive activity.
Passive voice A type of mentity in which the subergity receives the activity.
Perceptive synergity See, hear, feel, seem, taste, smell, sense, sound.
The car looks well: the car is not doing anything. It is only in a state. But see can also be activ, not only sativ: I see you.
We must look at the mentity, at the mentality, at the narrow and large contexts to find which work does this particular verb, this particular synergity.
Phase Any of the major appearances or aspects in which an entity, person, thing, idea, of varying modes or conditions manifest itself to the eye or mind.
A stage in a process of change, development, evolution.
A physically or chemically separate homogeneous part of an heterogeneous system.
A particular stage or point of advancement in a cycle.
The fractional part of the period through which the time has advanced, measured from some arbitrary origin, often expressed as an angle phase angle, the entire period being taken as 360.
Phase, aspect, chapter, development, point, stage, state, step, time, appearance, condition, facet, juncture, position, posture.
Phenomenon Phainestai, to appear, become visible. Passive of phainein, to show, bring to light, make known.
A fact, occurrence or circumstance observed or observable.
An appearance or immediate object of awareness in experience.
A thing as it appears to and constructed by the mind, as distinguished from a noumenon or thing in itself.Figure-ground phenomenon, the division of the perceptual field into background and objects that appear to stand out against it. Contrary to ambiguous figures in which the same part can be seen either as figure or ground.
Anomaly, aspect, circumstance, episode, event, experience, fact, incident, miracle, paradox, reality, sensation, abnormality, actuality, appearance, curiosity, exception, happening, marvel, nonpareil, peculiarity, portent, prodigy, sight, spectacle, stunner, uniqueness, one for the book, rara avis, something else.
Usualness, normality, regularity.
Phenomology, the science of phenomena.
Phenomenological, of , relating to or based on observed or observable facts.
Of or relating to somenone's awareness or experience of something rather than the thing itself.
Experimenter scholars examine a particular phenomenon while phenomenological scholars examine its essence and meaning as experienced by poeple in their everyday lives.
Phenomenon adidities Subergity complement.
Adidities placed after a linking coergity, a coergity linking the subergity and the obergity.
Phrase Wordity.
Group of words.
Plural Construes the situation as a collection of discrete individual countable idities.
Potity Potential, weight in a posity.
Posity Point in the universe.
Possessive adentity Posessive adjective.
My, your, his, our, their,its, + entity.
Possessive proentity Possessive pronoun.
Mye, yours, his, hers, its, their + nothing, no entity.
Possessive stativ synergities Have, belong, possess, own, want.
When we possess something we do not do anything, we do not have any activity.
We are just in a particular state.
The reservoir contains water. The reservoir does not do anything, any activity. It just has something in it.
Postmodifier Prepositional phrase, gerund phrase, infinitive phrase, relative mentity.
Prepositional wordity, gerund wordity, infinitive wordity, relative mentity.
Potergity Mensity in one posity.
Potential at one point in the universe.
Predicate Systemity.
What is thought about the subject, about the subergity.
Profile Per-filare. gwhi-, jya-, jil-, gysla-, zila, thread, tendon, string, bow string, vein, sinew, line.
A drawing of the outline of anything, outline or contour of anything, an outlined view.
A graphic summary or analysis of the history, status of a process, activity, relationship, set of chararcteristics.
A set of characteristics or qualities that identify a type or category of person, thing, idea, entity.
A description of behavioral and personality traits of a person compared with accepted norms and standards.
Profile, figure, portrait, sketch, contour, delineation, figuration, form, likeness, line, lineament, lineation, shadow, shape, silhouette, side view.
Low profile, anonymity, inconspicuousness, latency, low key, low posture, low visibility, reluctance, reticence, secrecy, semivisibility, obscure, unnoticeable, unobtrusive.
High profile, conspicuousness, eminence, exposure,, high relief, notoriety, exposure.
Profiled, chartered, diagramed, epitomized, generalized, graphed, mapped, summarized.
Subergity Subject.
Premodifier Determiner, number, adentity.
Preposity Preposition.


Qualitative adentity Qualitative adjective, descriptive adjectif, give info about an entity.
Questity Query, inquiry, investigation, inquest, examination, mentity meant to ellicit an answer.


Radity Radius of a spherity.
Rectoposity Flat point, flat posity.
Relative systemity Relative clause used to modify an entity
Rotorversity Rotor.
Rotoversity group Spin group, group of rotations.


Sentence Mentity.
Meaning, signification, interpretation, opinion, perception, judgement, decision, doctrine, authoritative teaching, authoritative pronouncement.
Spherity Spherical idea.
Statergity Stative verb, verbs meaning an state.
Also known as state verbs.
Stative verbs is a type of main verb that indicate the state od the subergity, the state in which some entity is.
A statergity does not mean any activity
They cannot be used with the -ing ending of the gerund.
A statergity cannot be used to mean an activity.
Five types:
Sensitive, perceptive statergities.
Emotive statergities
Cognitve statergities.
Possessive statergities.
Conditions and stances statergities.
Weigh, measure, contain, involve, lack, deserve, resemble, matter, concern.
Subergity Subject, entity initiating the phenomenon, the activity, the action, the fact.
System An assemblage or combination of things, parts, ideas forming a complex and unitary whole.
Any assemblage or set of correlated members.
An ordered and comprehensive assemblage of facts, principle, doctrines or the like in a particular field of knowledge or thought.
A coordinated body of methods, a scheme, plan of procedures, an organizational scheme.
A number of heavenly bodies associated and acting together occording to certain natural laws.
A hypothesis or theory of the disposition and arrangements of the heavenly bodies by which their phenomena, motions, changes are explained.
An assemblage of organs or related tissues concerned with the same function.
The entire vegetal, animal or human body considered as a functioning unit.
One's psychological makeup, especially with reference to desires or preoccupations.
A method or scheme of classification.
The prevailing structure or organization of society, business, market, politics.
A major division or rocks comprising sedimentary deposits and igneous masses formed during a single geologic period.
A combination of two or more phases, as a binary system, each of which consists of one or more substances, that is attaining or is in equilibrium.
A working combination of hardware, software and data communication devices.
System, arrangement, organization, rule, scheme, structure, classification, combination, complex, conformity, coordination, entity, ideology, integral, orderliness, philosophy, regularity, setup, sum, theory, totality, fixed order, frame of reference, integrate, logical order, red tape.
System, method, operation, poliy, practice, procedure, process, scheme, strategy, structure, technique, artifice, custom, fashion, manner, methodicalnes, methodology, mode, orderliness, pattern, proceeding, regularity, routine, systemization, tactics, theory, usage, way, wise, course of action, plan, logical process, modu, modus operandi, orderly process, systematic process.
Reality, cog, disorder, disorganization, part.
The system, the establishment, the bureaucracy, administration, authority, civil service, management, ministry, red tape, directorate, government, officialdom, officials, beadleroom, city hall, power that be, regulatory commission.
System date, lap, led, moment, phase, point, standing, step, degree, division, footing, grade, juncture, lenght, node, notch, plane, rung, status, point in time.
Systemics Science of systems.
Systemic, fundamental, integral, intrinsic, essential, innate, congenital, elemental, ingrained, inherent, inseparable, requisite.
Extrinsic, secondary, supplemental, unnecessary, piecemal.
Systemic grammar, a grammar in which description is founded on the relationships among the various units at different ranks of a language. A grammar in which language is viewed as a system of meaning-creating choices as opposed as transformational grammar, a system of grammatical analysis, especially a form of generative grammar, that posits the existence of deep structure and surface strcucture, using a set of transformational rules to derive surface structure forms from deep structure, a grammar that uses transformations to express the relation between equivalent structures.
Systemity Clause.
Wordity containing a subergity-synergity combination.
Systomatics Science of automatic systems.


Text Mentality.
Combination of mentities.
Think To have a conscious mind, to some extent of reasoning, remembering experiences, making rational decisions.
To employ one's mind rationally and objectively in evaluating or dealing with a given situation.
To call something to one's conscious mind, to invent, conceive something.
To esteem a person or thing, to have consideration or regard toward a person or thing.
To have belief, opinion.
Think, assume, consider, determine, expect, feel, guess, judge, realize, see, take, understand, comprehend, conceive, conclude, credit, deem, envisage, envision, esteem, estimate, fancy, feature, foresee, gather, hold, image, imagine, presume, project, reckon, regard, sense, suppose, surmise, suspect, vision, visualize, be convinced, plan for.
Think upon, daydream, fret, grieve, meditate, mope, ruminate, sulk, bleed, consider, deliberate, despond, dream, gloom, lament, languish, muse, ponder, reflect, repine, sigh, speculate, worry, dwell upon, mull over, stew over, sweat out, sweat over, thing about
Think of, analyse, believe, deem, feel, hold, respect, view, appraise, count, credit, estimate, judge, reflect, remember, sense, suppose, bear in mind, care for, hold an opinion, keep in view, look upon, make allowance for, reckon with, set down, take for, take into account.
Think to, anticipate, assume, believe, cherish, count on, expect, hold, whish, aspire, await, desire, foresee, pray, assume, rely, suppose, surmise, suspect, sweat, trust, be sure of, deem likely, depend on, feel confident, hang in, have faith, keep finger crossed, knock on wood, look at sunny side, look forward to, promise oneself, sweat in, take heart, watch for.
Think in, consultation, discussion, forum, interview, meeting, seminar, symposium, talk, appointment, argument, chat, colloquy, confabulation, congress, conversation, convocation, deliberation, gabfest, groupthink, huddle, interchange, palaver, parley, ventilation, confering, round robin, round table.
Think up, begin, create, generate, induce, lead to, make, precipitate, produce, provoke, brainstorm, breed, compel, effect, elicit, engender, evoke, hatch, incite, introduce, kickoff, kindle, let, motivate, muster, occasion, open, originate, revert, secure, be at the bottom of, break in, break the ice, bring to pass, come out with, cook up, dream up, fire up, get things rolling, give rise to, make up, result in, sow the seeds, start the ball rolling, work up.
Think out, acknowledge, contemplate, deal with, examine, favor, grant, look at, recognize, regard, scrutinize, see, study, cogitate, concede, consult, deliberate, envisage, excogitate, inspect, mediate, muse, ponder, reason, reflect, revolve, ruminate, scan, speculate, allow for, assent to, chew over, dream of, flirt with, keep in mind, mull over, perpend, provide for, reckon with, see about, suscribe to, take into account, take under advisement, take up, think over, toss around.
Think fit, condescend, consent, patronize, stoop, vouchsafe, deem worthy, see fit.
Deep think, encouragement, enthusiasm, genius, incentive, influence, insight, motivation, revelation, vision, afflatus, animus, approach, arousal, awakening, brainchild, brainstorm, creativity, elevation, exhaltation, fancy, flash, hunch, illumination, impulse, motive, muse, notion, rumble, spark, spur, stimulation, thought, whim, inflatus.
Disbelieve, doubt, ignor, misunderstand, neglect, overlook, disregard, foresake, abandon, distrust, despair, silence, quiet, refuse, look away, discouragement, depression, hidrance, reality, truth.
Thought The product of mental activity, that which one thinks.
The single act or product of thinkinf, idea or notion.
The act or process of thinking, mental activity.
The capacity or faculty of thinking, reasoning, imagining.
Thought, attention, hope, logic, reflection, speculation, thinking, understanding, anticipation, apprehending, cerebration, cogitation, cognition, concluding, consideration, considering, contemplation, deducing, deduction, deliberation, deriving, discerning, heed, ideation, inducing, infering, introspection, intuition, judging, knowing, meditation, musing, perceiving, rationalization, rationalizing, reasoning, regard, rumination, scrutiny, seeing, study, theorization, brainwork.
Thought up, imaginary, fancied, insubstantial.
Thought out, calculated, careful, cautious, cold-blooded, conscious, meticulous, premeditated, prudent, purposeful, studious, thoughtful, willful, advised, considered, designed, express, fixed, intended, judged, planned, pondered, prearranged, predetermined, projected, purposed, reasoned, resolved, schemed, studied, weighed, aforethought, cut-and-dried, designful, done on purpose, predesigned, predeterminate, prepense, provident, purposive, scrupulous, voluntary, wary, with forethought, witting.
Thought about, studied, treated, advised, contemplated, designed, examined, express, investigated, mediated, premeditated, weighed, aforethought, designful, given due consideration, gone into, intentional, prepense, studious, thought-through, voluntary, well advised, well choosen, willfull.
Deep thought, absorption, concentration, contemplation, engrossment, meditation, preoccupation, profound thought, reflection, study.
Disbelief, disdain, disregard, disrespect, heedlessness, ignorance, neglect, negligence, thoughtlessness, vacancy, vacuity.
Careless, heedless, ignorant, imprudent, inattentive, incautious, thoughtless, uncareful, unmindful, indefinite, unplanned, chance, indeterminate, unintentional, unmethodical, unsystematic, unwitting.
Disregarded, forgotten, neglected, unplanned, unstudied.
Trajectory Behaviour during time, simulation.
Transergity Indirect object of the action, transiting object of the activity, transergity of the synergity.
Transitive synergity A verb that has an object, that acts upon some entity, someone, something or some idea.
An activity that can be done on anything, on any entity.
A transitive synergity has an obergity, an object on which the activity is oriented.
Asking the questions whom or what we find the obergity of the transitive synergity, an object of the verb.
An action verb that acts on an entity, someone, something, some entity, some idea.
An action, an activity, that can be acted on someone, something, some entiy or some idea.


Unilize Normalize.
Unaxity ei
Unexity e1 ^ e2
Unfolding Unfold, to open or unwrap the folds of, disclose, reveal, explain, lay open to view or contemplation.
Entfalten, ontvouden, become disclosed, become opened out.
Unfolding crisis, crise en cours, crise actuelle, good unfolding, bon déroulement, temporal unfolding, déroulement temporel, best unfolding, déroulement optimal.
Unfolding, floering, advance, advancement, advancing, augmenting, boost, build up, developing, elaborating, enlargement, evolution, evolving, expansion, growth, hike, immprovement, increase, increasing, maturation, maturing, maturity, perfecting, progress, progression, reinforcement, reinforcing, ripening, spread, spreading, unraveling, upping, evolvement, making progress, ongoing, upgrowth.
Decline, decrease, diminishment, failure, halt, lessening, loss, reduction, retreat, retrogression, shrinkage, stagnation, stop, stoppage, subtraction, withdrawal.
Union Join, conjoin, adjoin, conjunct, conjuge, joinder
Unity Number 1, except other numbers.
Unology Set of all the unidities possible in an n-universe (the unity - number one -, the unaxities, the unexities and the omniexity a particular unexity involving all the axities of the n-universe)
Unomniexity Pseudoscalar of the universe.
Unoposity Unit point.
Unorectoposity Normalized flat point.


Versity Any arrow.


Wordity Phrase.
Group of words not containing the subergity-synergity or subergity-synergity combination